Cultivation and Harvesting Process


Selection of Varietals

In Vietnam, predominantly two types of coffee beans are cultivated – robusta and arabica.Robusta, thriving in the lower altitudes of regions like Dak Lak in the Central Highlands, is known for its strong flavor and higher caffeine content.

Arabica, grown in higher altitude areas like Lam Dong, is favored for its milder and more aromatic profile. We carefully select these varietals considering their suitability to the microclimates of our partner farms.

Planting and Nurturing

Our coffee plants are nurtured with utmost care, ensuring they grow in optimal conditions. This includes appropriate shade, water, and nutrient management, vital for the development of quality beans. The cultivation practices are tailored to maintain the natural biodiversity and soil health, reflecting our commitment to environmental sustainability.


Manual Picking

Harvesting coffee beans is a labor-intensive process that requires skill and precision. In Vietnam, coffee cherries are typically hand-picked, ensuring that only ripe cherries are harvested. This selective picking process is crucial for maintaining the quality of the coffee, as it prevents the mixing of overripe or underripe cherries that could affect the overall flavor of the coffee.

Processing Methods

Once harvested, the coffee cherries undergo processing, which is a critical step in determining the flavor profile of the coffee. In Vietnam, both wet (washed) and dry (natural) processing methods are used. The wet method involves fermenting the beans in water to remove the pulp, which leads to a cleaner and more consistent flavor. The dry method, where cherries are sun-dried, imparts a sweeter, more fruit-forward flavor to the beans.

Post-harvest processing

After harvesting, the coffee beans undergo a drying process, crucial for reducing their moisture content and stabilizing their flavor. This can involve sun-drying the beans on large patios or using mechanical dryers for a more controlled drying process.

Following drying, the beans are stored in a cool, dry environment to maintain their quality until they are ready for milling. The milling process involves removing the dried husk of the cherry to reveal the green coffee bean inside.

This final step prepares the beans for roasting, where their full flavor profile will be developed. Throughout post-harvest processing, 9AM Coffee ensures that each step is executed with precision and care, reflecting our commitment to producing high-quality Vietnamese coffee.

Sustainable practices

Eco-Friendly Farming

Throughout the cultivation and harvesting process, eco-friendly practices are a priority. This includes using organic fertilizers, implementing soil and water conservation techniques, and promoting biodiversity.

Supporting Local Communities

Our approach to farming and harvesting is community-centric. We work closely with local farmers, providing them with fair wages and supporting community development initiatives.

Explore our dedicated efforts in creating a sustainable future. Read about our sustainability