Looking for the Perfect Corporate Gift?

Whether you’re looking to express appreciation to clients, reward employees, or create a memorable promotional item for your business, our premium Vietnamese coffee is the ideal choice.

  • Premium Vietnamese coffee for a memorable corporate gift.
  • Customized packaging with your branding for a personalized touch.
  • Ethical sourcing to align with your values.

Why Choose 9AM Coffee for Corporate Gifting?

Premium Quality

Our coffee is sourced from the Central Highlands of Vietnam, known for its exceptional coffee beans. We offer a range of coffee options, including robusta and arabica blends, ensuring there’s something for every coffee enthusiast.


Personalize your corporate gifts with custom packaging featuring your company’s logo, message, or branding. It’s a thoughtful way to showcase your brand while offering a unique and memorable gift.

Ethical Sourcing

We are committed to ethical sourcing and sustainable practices. By choosing 9AM Coffee, you’re supporting responsible coffee production and the livelihoods of Vietnamese coffee farmers.


Our coffee is versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways, from traditional brewed coffee to cold brew and more. It’s a gift that caters to different coffee preferences.

Timely Delivery

We ensure timely delivery of your corporate gifts, making the process hassle-free for you. Whether you need a small batch or a large order, we’ve got you covered.

Exceptional Taste

Our coffee is known for its rich and flavorful taste, offering a delightful coffee experience that your recipients will appreciate.

Explore Our Corporate Gifting Options

Coffee Gift Sets

Choose from our curated coffee gift sets that include a selection of our finest coffee blends, packaged elegantly for a premium presentation.

Custom Packaging

Work with our team to create custom packaging that reflects your brand’s identity. From coffee bags to gift boxes, we can tailor the design to your specifications.

Subscription Services

Consider gifting a coffee subscription service that allows recipients to enjoy fresh coffee deliveries at their convenience.

Coffee Accessories

Enhance your corporate gift with coffee accessories like phin filters, mugs, and more.